In Mississippi, it is illegal to drive without car insurance. Unfortunately, auto insurance can be difficult to obtain if your driving record is less than stellar. But Mississippi drivers have an option that drivers in other states don’t; the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan offers coverage to drivers with poor records.
If you have several speeding tickets or accidents on your record, most insurers will deem you a “high-risk” driver and refuse to cover you. But you may still be eligible for the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan.

If car insurance companies are refusing to cover you due to your driving history, you may be eligible for the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan.
History of the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan
The Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan was created in 1948 to help high-risk drivers receive coverage. When you apply through this program, you will be assigned to an insurance provider. Insurance companies then share the financial burden of the high-risk drivers insured through this program.
If an insurance company insures 25 percent of all drivers in the state of Mississippi, then that company is required to insure 25 percent of the state’s high-risk drivers, too.
What Do You Need to Qualify for the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan?
The Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan is only available to drivers in this state. In order to apply, you need to show:
- A valid Mississippi driver’s license;
- A vehicle registered in the state of Mississippi; and
- Proof that you have been unable to qualify for auto insurance.
Restrictions of the Program
While this program is open to drivers deemed too high-risk for normal insurance coverage, there are a few restrictions. You may not apply for insurance through the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan if:
- You have outstanding premium bills from your previous insurer;
- Any of the information listed on your application is untrue; or
- For any other reason you are seen as applying in bad faith.
If you do have outstanding insurance bills, you will need to pay them right away in order to apply for the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan. Once you pay these off, you can apply for the program immediately. However, if you are proven to have lied on your application, you could be banned from reapplying for 12 months.
Find out If the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan Is Right for You
Whether you get coverage through the voluntary market or the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan, your insurance will be the same. You can apply for collision or comprehensive insurance through your assigned insurer. After a year in the program, your assigned insurer may choose to take you on in the voluntary market. If your driving record improves, you may no longer be considered a high-risk driver. If it does not improve within three years, you can reapply for the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan.
If you think you’re paying too much for insurance or you’re having trouble getting coverage because you are considered a high-risk driver, research the Mississippi Automobile Insurance Plan to find out if it’s a good fit for you. You can also Click Here to review our study that compares accident forgiveness auto insurance rates in each state.